Areas of Practice

“One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.”

— Malala Yousafzai

Eligibility Determinations

Determining whether your child qualifies for special education services can be complicated and emotional, and that's just the beginning. Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) and Section 504 Plans are both useful tools that can provide students with necessary services and accommodations in school, but they serve different purposes and have different parameters. We work collaboratively with families and school-based teams to ensure your student's needs are fully documented so that an appropriate plan can be developed.

IEPs and Section 504 Plans

IEPs and 504 Plans are entitlements conferred by Federal law, and they are informed by a variety of data sources. How do you ensure that all appropriate services are being considered and provided? How can you ensure the plan is delivered with fidelity? Our goal for you in this process is that you become an empowered member of your child's team, and to give you the tools and guidance necessary to become your own best advocate.

School Records and Evaluations Review

The heart of a special education program is how well a student's needs have been assessed, documented, and monitored. As either a standalone service or as part of a more comprehensive advocacy partnership; we will provide you with an objective, in-depth case summary that outlines all relevant records, progress reports, evaluations, prior IEPs or 504 plans, and school communications. We will point out any areas of inconsistency, lack of progress, or undocumented areas of need; or compliance issues with Federal and state regulations. Added to that will be our recommendations for action steps to take and strategies to pursue toward the goal of refining your student's plans and improving your communication with the school-based team.

Meeting Preparation and Direct Representation

The meetings between families and school districts are where, by law, all of the substantive decisions are made regarding special education. Having a knowledgeable professional on your side will ensure that the decisions are made on the merits of the case rather than on personalities, availability of staff, misinformation, procedural mistakes or emotion. The direct representation by our staff, in combination with the expertise you have about your child, will ensure that an appropriate plan is developed that has both transparency and accountability.

Parent Coaching and Training

We believe that knowledge is at its most powerful when it is shared. All of our clients receive the benefits of our training and experience, and in some cases, that may be all you need in order to move capably forward with your school-based team. We can work together to determine how much consultation you need, and deliver that by phone or videoconference. On an ongoing basis, we provide tools and resources to all of our clients within the "Clients Only" section of this site.

Mediation, State Complaints and Due Process

The primary goal of any advocate should be to prevent disputes from escalating outside of the primary team. But sometimes, disputes are not resolved through those channels. Mediation, state complaints, and state due process hearings are specific procedural protections provided to you under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act provide separate protections that are filed Federally. Our team will carefully evaluate any situation that may arise, and recommend whether more formal steps might be something to pursue. In most cases, we can continue to work on your behalf as you navigate these systems.

Manifestation Determinations

School conduct codes are written with the nondisabled student in mind. Occasionally, a student with an identified disability is subject to disciplinary action based on behavior that may be a direct result of their disability. A manifestation determination is a meeting that school districts must conduct to determine whether or not the infraction is linked to the disability. An appropriate disciplinary response is informed by the team’s determination of that question. Issues such as suspension, changes in placement, or even legal actions can be affected by the decisions made during a manifestation determination. With our help, you can be sure that every data point regarding the role of disability is considered when these critically important decisions are made.

Diploma Options and Transition Planning

Students with disabilities may be eligible for a variety of different diplomas or certicates, and planning for these goals will begin much earlier than you expect. What decisions should be made today in order to ensure that your student is on track to meet the goal that both you and they agree is achievable and appropriate? Get the benefit of our qualified advice on the long term strategies that will lead your student to the continuing education, independent living, and employent of their choice that comes with adult life.

We partner directly with qualified professionals in the related fields of school psychology, counseling, speech therapy, occupational therapy, learning disabilities and more in order to base our tools of advocacy on guidance obtained directly from the people who know it best. Our role as your advocate is not to become the expert in each of these areas, but to understand the individual areas of expertise and manage them appropriately for your child's best outcome.